Pharoscopes: Weekly Insights for the Elemental Signs

Pharoscopes: Weekly Insights for the Elemental Signs

Pharoscopes: Intuitive Insights for the Week of Sept 20 - Sept 27

Happy Full Moon in Pisces! 

Hey Soul Fam! Welcome back to my cozy part of the internet, and welcome back to The Pharosmoon JournalPharoscopes Weekly Elemental Insights. This full moon has me feeling dreamy, sleepy, and all in my feelings. Thanks to Lady Luna sitting in Pisces for few days, we get to allow ourselves to daydream about all the endless possibilities we can imagine ourselves into being. 

While the Mother Moon is in Pisces we are also welcoming in Libra Season. After we moved through analytical and perfectionist Virgo we are now calming down the tension as we invite the balance energies of Libra Season. This is a time for us to think outside the box to see what's adding value in our lives and what is tipping the scales over. During this time we're also being greeted with Mercury Retrograde on September 27th. So lots of time to reflect, balance and dream what we want to come to life. 

Take the time to be gentle with yourself, the energies that are greeting us are very powerful and potent if used with the right intention. Remember to take your time with everything, feel your feelings, if you've been working too hard it's your sign to balance it out with play. If you have been catching yourself binge watching to the latest reality shows, then this is also your sign to balance it out with productivity in whatever way that looks for you. 


Fire Signs

👩🏾‍🎤 Deck: The Golden Girls Tarot

🎴Card: Eight of Wands

🔮 Key Vibes: Fast Paced, Alignment, Movement, Free Flowing, Action.

Hi Fire Fam! This week your mood is feeling Aligned. You may notice that if things haven't been going your way lately, you will start seeing signs that things are improving. You are aligning your energies to the experiences that you want to attract during this Libra Season. With your mood for this week being in alignment with your highest truth, it will be easy to move swiftly and effortlessly as you move right to your next destination with ease. 

Your card this week is the Eight of Wands. Spirit wants you to know that things are going to be moving rather quickly, so if you know which direction you're going you're golden. If you don't then, now is a good time to see what action you want to take to make sure you don't have any delays in your way. 

With the eight of wands things are moving relatively quickly. This could be a good thing for some and a worst case scenario for others. While this card is a very positive card, it also can bring some negative aspects if you have not taken the time to see where your life is heading. Overall this card shows up as a benchmark to show us our progress that we made, with the intentions that were set during the new moon. This card is a reminder to us that when we are in a state of alignment and fulfillment, the universe will work double time to make sure we see what we are set out to do. Now is the time to be laser focus on what brings us closer to feeling our most authentic versions of ourselves. 

Water Signs

🎴Card: Nine of Pentacles

🔮 Key Vibes: Nurturing, Practical, Abundant, Reliable, Independent, Responsible. 

Hey Water Fam! This week your mood is Practical. With the full moon in one of your signs it's very easy to get washed away by matters of the heart. However being as though Pisces is the God of the dream world it's better to be realistic and practical during this Libra Season. Learn to balance your heart and responsibilities, so you can be rooted, grounded, and supported in everything you do. 

This week your card is the Nine of Pentacles. Spirit is inviting you to nurture your more material matters during this time. With the number nine meaning completing a cycle in numerology. Your attention can loosen up a little bit because you're coming to an end in a chapter in your life. 

Even though a chapter in your life is coming to a close, you still have to hold space for your responsibilities to see that this cycle comes to a healthy close. But you can let loose a little knowing that this cycle will soon be over. Since you took the time to nurture all that you have planted during the new moon, it's now time to bask in the fruits of your labor. You can release and let go knowing that being practical doesn't always have to be a hard surrender to what you're calling in. Take the time to enjoy your prosperity, your progress, and your growth. 

Air Signs

🎴Card: The Chariot

🔮 Key Vibes: Will-power, Determination, Success, Direction, Clarity, Self-Confident.

Greetings Air Fam! This week your mood is Visionary. Which is all you air signs! Since we're being welcomed into Libra Season it's very easy to hold of your visions this week. We currently have 6 planets in Air Signs so the energies of your dreams are being supported by the cosmos this week and throughout the season as well. With this being your mood, it's easy to get caught under the illusions under the Pisces Full Moon. So be weary of your visions as they may come to life quicker than expected. 

Your card this week is The Chariot, with this card it's all about the determination, will-power, and success, which direction you want your life to head to? The Chariot is all about knowing their vision, taking decisive action and charting through the obstacles. How far will your determination take you to see that your visions do come true?

The Chariot is ready to take the direction that is needed to complete their goal. Despite obstacles and challenges that you'll face during your journey. The delays won't stop you from finishing what you started out doing. Now is the time to assert yourself and take action to move forward in the path that you see your future self in. Allow spirit to guide you to your next destination, all you need is your will, your vision, and your strength to get the job done. 


Earth Signs

🎴Card: The Hierophant 

🔮 Key Vibes: Spiritual Wisdom, Spiritual Leader, Traditions, Conformity, Beliefs.

What's up Earth Fam! Your mood this week is Intuitive. Earth signs you're taking a break from your normal practical and grounding vibes to connect in with the spiritual realms. During Libra Season you're feeling called to connect with your spiritual practices to help you feel even more rooted and supported in your day to day lives. If you find yourself being to harsh on the material world, you're now being invited to check in with your own personal beliefs and see if they align and balance out with your current reality. 

This week your card is The Hierophant, this card is about connecting in with the spiritual wisdom, whether that be with an intuitive healer, tarot reader, or religious or spiritual community that you may part of. Spirit is inviting you to take review your personal beliefs, traditions, and what energies are you currently conforming to during this season. 

The Hierophant comes to you as a reminder that if your beliefs align with your higher self than you will find it easy to tune into that intuitive download that Spirit has been sending your way. If your beliefs don't align with your core values then now it's a good time to balance out these energies to figure out what old systems and traditions don't align with you anymore. Connect with a spiritual advisor or healer to dive deeper into traditions, spiritual practices, and your intuition.

I really hope that these insights provide you all with inner peace, inner guidance, and inner strength to go after your goals, create the reality you wish to live in and spiritual wisdom so you can be help and service to others. I really do hope y'all have been enjoying these blog post. 

Even those Pharoscopes are free! Donations, tips and supporting my coffee habits are energy exchange and are always welcomed and appreciated. All links to donate and buy me coffee are linked on the site. 

Until next time beautiful friends Happy Full Moon! I'll talk to you soon. 

With love and light,



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