New Moon in Virgo Energy Reading
How Do You Prioritize Your Needs?

Happy New Moon in Virgo! Welcome back fam to The Pharosmoon Journal: New Moon in Virgo Energy Reading. The New Moon has been sitting in Virgo since 08/27 at 4:16am Est and will be resting here until 08/29 until it moves into Scorpio. Virgo is the archetype of the High Priestess aka known as the Virgin, she's devoted to herself by being consistent with her spiritual practices, by connecting with the Divine, and holding space for her mysterious yet knowledgeable energy. She is the keeper of secrets, the teacher of the mystics, and the maiden of truth. Virgos are always know for their organization, analytical minds, problem solvers and service members to their community. But what I find that most people often forget about Virgo energy is how they dive deep in themselves to find the answers to their problems vs looking outwards and seeking solutions outside of them.
The Hermit represents Virgo in the tarot, and when I think of the Hermit I think of how he pays attention to what's in front of him vs what's ahead. He holds the lantern allowing the light to only cast what he points his focus on. He's by himself taking his time to break down the details on what he's searching for, being patient as he seeks the inner guidance within himself. Virgo is very much this energy knowing that it has to be of service to oneself first before it can be of service to anyone else. The Hermit likes it's alone time to think, to withdrawal, to retreat, refocus, and recalibrate on it's findings, learning what systems are supporting his truth and which ones need to be left behind.

Virgo is ruled by Mercury the messenger planet, the planet that rules over the mind, communication, technology, travel, and learning. It likes to break things down into smaller details in order to make sense of the bigger whole. Virgos don't mind doing the dirty work and getting their hands dirty to find the solutions to the problems that are slowing down production. Virgo energy gives us the opportunity to learn about new ways we can create a new system out of the broken bits of the old. It's honest, intelligent observant, and intuitive in their own unique ways.
This New Moon isn't about manifesting something new but reflecting on what type of newness we can create with the tools and resources that are available to us. This New Moon is giving us insights on what and where is taking too much energy and resources and claiming back our power. To create a new system that works for us and not against us. With this new moon energy, it's a great time to sit down and reflect on what patterns, habits, behaviors, and tools that are keeping us in a loop.
Don't be afraid to dive into the details of the outdated system. It's the only way to know what isn't aligning with you at this present moment. The Universe giving us time to be honest with ourselves and be transparent with what details need to stay in the master plan and which ones we can show gratitude towards for leading us to where we need to be.
Virgo New Moon Energy
🐉Deck: Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot
🎴Card: The Tower
🔮Key Vibes: Divine Intervention, Sudden Changes, Awakening, Chaos, Breakdown to Breakthrough.
The New Moon in Virgo is bringing us a different energy this time around, inviting us to refocus our attention on the systems, habits, patterns, and behaviors that are no longer serving our purpose and needs. It's a time of Divine intervention and sudden change. Spirit takes away the "safety nets" that were holding on to a rocky foundation, a foundation that wasn't truly stable enough to hold our true value and space for growth. Spirit gives us a bit of chaos so we can find order among the destruction that's been created. It's never a bad thing to have Divine intervention, but more of an awakening of new awareness to what is currently holding us back from being in our full power and potential.

The Tower represents the breakdown to receive breakthroughs. It represents the upheaval in the power we lack that's between the cracks of our current foundation. It's time for change, for breakthroughs, for break downs, for sudden shifts, and sudden changes that are just out of control but ultimately giving us power in the way that we choose to shift our perspective that will empower our growth moving forward. This Virgo New Moon symbolizes these tower moments as it shines light on the details of the smaller cracks that can lead to instability in the future. Spirit is helping us by not waiting until our foundation falls to pieces but breaking it down for us so we can make room for the expansion of new beginnings that are waiting for us.
Thank You
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Until next time soul fam I hope that you find yourself empowered by these tower moments to know that you have more to offer than what you're currently settling for.
Happy New Moon My Loves,