Pharoscopes: Weekly Insights for the Elemental Signs

Pharoscopes: Weekly Insights for the Elemental Signs

Pharoscopes: Intuitive Insights for the Week of 08.29-09.04

Hey what's going on guys? Welcome back to The Pharosmoon Journal. It's been a hot minute since we've done a Pharoscope Weekly Insights but it's good to be back to and getting back into the groove of things. As some of you may know on my last post I announced that we're adding a new addition to the Pharosmoon Family! We're having a baby and their going to make their grand entrance in March of 2023 super excited and thrilled to be stepping into a new chapter of motherhood and embracing all these new changes that are occurring here in my little community. I had to take some time off to get my life situated and get in back into the groove of things here at the Pharosmoon Headquarters. It's great to finally have both feet on the ground to get organized, taking advantage of the Virgo energy to bunker down and do all the things that I've been putting off. Where all my Sag babes at? Y'all know what I mean lol I'm the queen of procrastination so it's a nice change to have all my duckies in a row and bang out all the major things that's been eyeballing me to finish. 

So with that being said let's get into this week's Pharoscopes. This week's theme is the Tower (I written more about this card on my last post Virgo New Moon Energy Reading). The Tower is based on sudden changes, upheavals, breakthroughs, divine intervention and awakening. Much like what I feel like Virgo Season is about. We're entering a time where the seasons are starting to change, we're slowing down to harvest our seeds and needs for the upcoming winter seasons depending where you are in the world. Think of how nature herself gets ready for the whether changes as it shifts from the long hot summer days to cooling down and welcoming the changes of leaves falling and shorter days. Mother nature get's herself prepared so she can be comfortable and restful during her hibernation period. Just like how we are in Virgo season, we're getting ready, making the right preparations for upcoming changes that we welcome every season. 

In order to make the right preparations for we have to slow down and allow ourselves to come inwards, to take time to reflect, refocus, and recalibrate what is going to help us during these seasonal changes and what remains. The tower is giving us the opportunity to look deeper within ourselves to prepare, organize, and clean up our spaces internally and externally before we shift deeper during Scorpio Season. This a perfect time to come inwards and go under construction to clean out all the system bugs, refresh your homes, cleanse your energy and align yourself deeply to who you are.

Fire Signs

🐉Deck: Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot

🎴Card: The Eight of Wands

🧿Key Vibes: Fast Pace Movement, Shifts, Opportunities, Synchronization, and Momentum. 

Hey Fire babes! Your mood for this week Momentum things are moving fast for us and it's all in a good way. You're being giving an opportunity to see how are hard work, dedication, and skills are helping you step into the role that you're meant to play in. All the efforts you've been putting in, the consistency, the late nights, and early mornings are all paying off. Your passions are growing and your vision is expanding and it's all coming together for you to see with your very own eyes. If you don't feel that way yet, it's all good Spirit is letting you know to keep going small steps lead to big success. Take time to celebrate your wins, your losses, your set backs and your breakthroughs, there all part of the process. Keep going you got this! 

Your card for the week is The Eight of Wands. This is legit the perfect time to have all your ducks in a row if you haven't already. Spirit is giving us the green light to keep moving forward with grace and gusto. Everything is lining up for you in a spectacular way, all your cards are out on the table and big luck energy is on your side. Take advantage of this opportunity to keep the momentum going of your great strides and effort to push you to the finish line. You're receiving help not only from the Divine but also in your physical reality as well. Be proud of yourself because you've made it this far and I know you can smell sweet victory right around the corner. 

Water Signs

🎴Card: The World

🧿Key Vibes: Achievement, Reflection, Accomplishment, Completion. 

What's going on Water loves? Your mood this week is about Completion. Some of you are completing a personal cycle and are reflecting back on the changes that have occurred that led you to where you are now. I can't imagine how uneasy it may have been for some you guys but I'm proud of you to say the least. It's been an uphill battle for some of you but you gave yourself the compassion, and grace to be patient enough to sit through it to finally be in a place of completion. That's amazing and I love this for you all. This is perfect time to reflect on what's been going on these past few months especially since we're in Virgo Season you can sit back with ease knowing that the hard efforts you put in earlier this year are rewarding you with a healthy pay off. Good for you water signs! I'm loving this for you! 

Your card for this week is The World. You've been around the world and back and now are ready to step up into a whole new chapter in your life, a blank slate if you will. A time of fresh new beginnings while saying goodbye to all the losses and growing pains in the past. Be proud of yourself, I know it wasn't easy to be where you are now but you made it! The world is applauding you and literally giving you the world because you deserve to stand on top of it and claim what is yours. Completing things isn't always easy but when you know you've actually finished what you started it's the most rewarding feeling ever, and if you don't quite yet feel there at the moment that's okay to! Spirit is reminding you that the cycles of heartaches and hard efforts are finally coming to a close. You can start relaxing knowing that this season will finally be at shut down for good. Celebrate yourself and how far you've come. Send love, gratitude and happiness to the new places you'll be stepping into next. 

Air Signs

🎴Card: The World

🧿Key Vibes: Leaving the past behind, Making Changes, Moving Forward, Letting Go. 

How are you Air Angels doing? Your Mood this week is Letting Go. I know as an Aquarius Moon it's easy to let go and detach from most things but sometimes you just feel like the wind keeps pulling you back in same direction and it can be hard to let go and move on. This week a reminder of the theme of The Tower Card. Breaking things down to build back up, sometimes letting go is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength that you've given it all you've got and it's just not working anymore. It's served it's purpose and you can leave with full confidence that it's just not meant to work out the way you want it and that's okay. We don't always need to stay and watch to see if that person, place, or thing will change. If hasn't had the will to change it's prolly not meant to at this present moment. Take this redirection as a blessing in from Spirit, knowing that you deserve so much more than what you're currently settling for. 

Your card this week is The Six of Swords. This card represents leaving the past behind, knowing when to move forward from a situation that's no longer serving you. Making the necessary changes to find peace within your mind that you've done all that you could do get to try to resolve the issue. Let go and be make peace with yourself. You can't win all your battles but you can at least leave with your dignity and your pride moving on with grace and a heart full of love. Sometimes we have to let go of things that weigh us down, sometimes it's not even the external, it can be our own thoughts, mindset, habits, and behaviors that weigh us down and we have to empty out the suite case in order to reach the certain capacity that will allow us to not have to pay for extra baggage. The best thing you can do right now is to let go and be free. 

Earth Signs

🎴Card: Four of Cups

🧿Key Vibes: Self Improvement, Opportunity, Compassion, Gratitude.

Happy Virgo Season to all the Virgos out there! Your mood for this week is Gratitude. Alright my Earthy Beauties I know Virgo season especially with this New Moon in Virgo has not been the easiest for some of you guys but if you show some gratitude towards what's not been working for you it will help to shift and expand your consciousness to what is preparing you for new opportunities, that are waiting for you to realize the magnificent power you have to create new realities. The more you can show gratitude for everything in your life "good" or "bad" the more the universe can open up new avenues for you to explore new ways of being. Your experiences don't need to have judgment around them, they just need to be observed so you can learn what is aligning with you and what is not. Be patient with yourself and be thankful for any opportunity that shows up whether it's crappy or pleasant. 

Your card for this week is the The Four of Cups. This card represents moments where you may be sulking in your tragedies for far to long and you're missing opportunities from Spirit showing you that all is well. Yes you can feel the sadness, the heaviness, the anger, the pain in order to gain it's life lessons from it but don't stay there so long that you forget all that you have. Again showing gratitude towards all your experiences allows you to shift your mindset from victim mentality to empowered mentality. You're showing the universe that you're not attach to any outcomes which can allow the universe to better co-create with you. You don't have to cry over spilled milk you can easily clean it up and pour yourself a new glass if you want to. Make the best out of every situation because in every experience you face there is a lesson that's there that's teaching you how to shift perspectives, to empower yourself as the creator being that you truly are. 


Thank You

I hope these insights provide clarity, guidance, and confirmation for the week ahead. Allow yourself to ground so you can be able to fully embody all that you want to become!. 

Even those Pharoscopes are free! Donations, tips and supporting my coffee habits are energy exchange and are always welcomed and appreciated. All links to donate and buy me coffee are linked on the site. 

Until next time beautiful friends! I'll talk to you soon. 

With much love,


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