by Bethalize Madé November 14, 2021
What's Going on Pharosmoon Fam!
Welcome to our weekly post from The Pharosmoon Journal: Pharoscopes Weekly Insights for the Elements. How is everyone feeling after the 11/11 portal that happened just a few days ago? This portal was open to help us align ourselves with the manifestations that we're bringing in this reality. It was open to assist us with calling back our power. Claiming it, owning it, and feeling connected to your spirit and purpose. I know some people feel clarity, exhausted, fulfilled. I personally feel renewed and revitalized. It has me wanting to pour back into myself in ways that I haven't in a while. This portal brought lots of clarity to my mind, strength to my intuition, and courage in my heart. I hope that you guys were able to tune into these powerful energies that the universe gifted us with these past few days. If you didn't that's okay there's still time (there's always time) to pour back into yourself each and everyday.
This week's energy is really about taking the time to love ourselves. Paying attention to your patterns, habits, way of speaking, and being with ourselves when none is around. This portal was here to help us remind that we must feel whole and filled before we help and fill others. We've been conditioned to always give but to never receive because it's "selfish" well let me tell you friends its' not. Taking the time to get to know yourself, putting your needs first, doing things that YOU love and enjoy isn't selfish. You can't feed a village with an empty stomach, we've been putting so much attention on the external validation, attention, and approval of others. When we do this we tend to forget to accept ourselves, the one person who we're with 24/7 365 days, we forget to put our needs, wants, desires first. While stepping into these care giving roles to the external, we put us away and sometimes we leave ourselves there. This week is about remembering that you're human too. You have needs, wants, desires, manifestations, just like everyone else. Why not put yourself first for once and allow everyone else the chance to take responsibility for their own reality.
We are here to experience life. Be life. Enjoy life. This is what being in this human journey is all about. Doing things your way, giving yourself permission to put yourself first before others. Love yourself, nurture yourself, be with yourself. Take time to find that part of yourself you put away and forgot about. Tell them that you love them so much and that you're going to do better each and everyday. You owe it to yourself to share that beautiful expression that you give to everyone else, give that to yourself. You deserve all the luxurious, love, laughs, and light in the world.
🎭Deck: Rider Waite Tarot Deck
🎴Card: Queen of Cups
🔮 Key Vibes: Compassionate, in flow, caring intuitive, emotionally stable.
What's up fire signs. What have we've been manifesting lately? This week your mood is all about bringing that Compassion into your life. Spirit wants to tell you to keep up the great work in keeping your emotions in flow. Being fire signs we don't really "do" the sad emotions at least, however we do indulge in the more passionate feelings of the emotional the spectrum. When we love, we love and its such a beautiful thing to be able embrace that and also bring compassion to the table. We're tuning into our intuition and our emotions. We're listening to hearts and spirit this time around and it's allowing us to be in flow and care for ourselves and others.
This week your card is the Queen of Cups who is the queen that represent compassion, emotion, intuition, and subconscious feeling. This card comes to you when you're being greeted with balance in flow energy. The Queen of Cups reminds us to be compassionate with ourselves as well as others. Our cups are filled and we are able to pour our overflow to others. You are in flow that and it shows how emotionally stable you are.
People can depend on you, you're able to hold emotional space and give support if needed. Because you're so in flow with Spirit and your feelings, its easier to listen to your intuition and inner guidance. Tune into your inner GPS this week and see where it leads you, see what treasures are waiting for you. You know how the universe always likes to surprises us.
The Queen of Cups also represents a period where it's easy for you to express and communicate your emotions to others. However your selective on who you tell our deepest feelings too. Embody this energy of the Queen of emotions, show up and share compassion, love, nurture, and divine feminine energy. Hold space for yourself as well so you can feel into this vibe of unconditional love.
🎴Card: The Hermit
🔮 Key Vibes: Retreat, Alone Time, Seclusion, Inner Guidance, Insight
Hey water signs what's going?! First I want to take this time to make big shout out to wish a Happy Solar Return to my BFF Shante🖤 who's birthday is today 11/13. I’m so grateful to call you my beat friend. You really are someone so special and so dear. We’ve been friends for 20 years now. Such a wild crazy beautiful ride. Happy Birthday to my favorite Scorpio Queen! I hope that you have an amazing day and you really take this time to celebrate yourself and enjoy your time here on this beautiful earth. Blessed and grateful to have you in my life.
Alright now, before I start crying and getting myself all emotional. Your mood this week water signs is to Retreat. Take this time to really invest in yourself in whatever way that looks like to you. Tune into your inner guidance and let yourself be guided to what needs to be loved and cared for during this time of withdrawal. Sometimes self care just looks like giving yourself some space to connect with yourself, your soul and Spirit.
Your card this week is the Hermit, which ties into this time of being secluded and alone. With this card being greeted to you, you're being invited to slow down and tap into your inner wisdom, focus on what's in front of you so you can take advantage of the guidance that's being presented to you. When the Hermit shows up, it's a sign that you need a time out to look out for your needs. Ask yourself this week have my needs been met? If not then take the time to retreat, rest, and refocus on yourself, everyone deserves some me time.
With this energy of seclusion and withdrawal doesn't mean that you won't be social and sharing your light with others. It just means that instead of giving that energy to the people in your circle, you give it to yourself. Listen to your intuition, the way your body speaks, and how you hear the inner messages from your higher self this week. There's benefits in retrieving and taking things one step at a time. Carving out time to be a Hermit for a little bit is good for the soul, connecting with yourself is always a way to start off the week.
🎴Card: Seven of Cups (Reverse)
🔮 Key Vibes: Overwhelmed by choices, misaligned, personal values, indecisive.
Hi Air Signs, I hope you're taking sometime to connect with yourself this week because you could be feeling in or out of being in Alignment. With this 11/11 portal that came through has left some of us feeling exhausted and overwhelmed by all the choices, or decisions we either had or have to make. Spirit is reminding you to do things that make you feel aligned with your inner being. Try not to be overwhelmed by all the life's choices that are being presented to you. Sometimes alignment can look like not choosing anything, just focusing on what is for your highest good at that moment.
This week your card is the Seven of Cups(Reversed) when this card is in reverse it means that you're overwhelmed by choices. These options can conflict with personal or moral values. When feeling at a crossroads between left and right it can make you feel disconnected and misaligned your higher self. Know that if there are options in place you don't have to go choosing the lesser of the two evils. You can choose none if that's what is for your highest good. Follow your intuition, it knows all that glitters isn't gold. Take a step back, deep breath and really feel into what your emotions are telling you about your situation.
With the Seven of Cups(Reversed) Spirit is telling you that it's okay to not know exactly what you want, but don't go choosing anything if you're not fully sure or aware of all the facts that's being presented to you. Lean into your intuition and go with what represents your personal beliefs, values, and morals. Only you know what's right for you and only you can make the best decisions that are for you too. Trust yourself, take your time, and weigh out the options before you make a final say. You are the one who can choose anything you want at anytime. Choose what's Spirit has for you, it's always for your highest good.
🎴Card: Two of Wands(Reverse)
🔮 Key Vibes: Reluctant, Fear of the Unknown, Lack of vision, Poor planning, Unclear Goals.
Hey Earth Signs! How have you been taking care of yourself lately? If you're feeling tension and pressure of last week then this week your mood may feel a little Reluctant. When you feel ungrounded and not centered it's easy to have fear of the unknown. This can be due to poor planning, unclear goals or lack of vision. Spirit is inviting you to get clear on what it is that you want, so you can ground that into your reality. Sometimes when those bad choices come to bite you in ass, it can feel harder and want to be more reluctant on taking risk on ourselves the next time around. Know that it's okay to make mistakes, learn from them, take what you needed from those hard knocks experiences and blossom from them.
Your card this week is Two of Wands(Reverse) this card comes to you at a time when you are feeling fearful of the unknown. If you're feeling anxious or uncertain about things, then set out some tangible and actionable steps to plan out your goals. Get clear on what it is you want so the universe can co-create with you. Don't allow your past to get in the way of future planning. Now is the time to redraw with a plan and purpose. Let your higher self guide you into the unknown with confidence instead of fear. Be present and allow yourself to create from the unknown instead of being reluctant by it.
The Two of Wand(Reverse) shows you that sometimes holding on to the past can tie up our future. There is no need to look back, create from this now moment and start from there. Connect with your future self and lean into that new energy of what you want to feel and embody in your reality now. Remember it's your world, you hold the blueprint, as long as you have a clear vision, confident, and trust yourself anything is possible. Align yourself to clarity and see what come through for you.
If you would like more personalized 1:1 guidance, clarity, or confirmation during this month, than check out our Monthly Reading Special: Scorpio Season Insights: Connecting With Your Shadow. This spread is for those who are ready to explore their shadow side to be able to really immerse in the wholeness of The Self.
Donations, tips and supporting my coffee habits are energy exchange and are always welcomed and appreciated. All links to support and buy me coffee are linked down below my site.
With Mucho Mucho Amor,
by Bethalize Madé September 01, 2022
by Bethalize Madé August 29, 2022
by Bethalize Madé August 28, 2022