Pharoscopes: Weekly Insights for the Elemental Signs

Pharoscopes: Weekly Insights for the Elemental Signs

Pharoscopes: Intuitive Insights for the Week of Oct 31- Nov 7 

Happy Halloween & Happy Scorpio Season! 

How are the Gods & Goddess of the Underworld doing? It's your time to cast some light on your shadows, Scorpios! Welcome back to another post from The Pharosmoon Journal: Pharoscopes Weekly Elemental Insights: Scorpio Season Forecast. If you haven't felt the intense, passionate, and sultry energy of Scorpio yet, then hold on to your witches hat because we're in for a ride. This powerful transformative energy of transition welcomes us after leaving aesthetic loving balancing thriving Libra. Scorpio is all about transformation, transmutation, alchemy, death, rebirth, sex, and shadow. She holds all of your deepest darkest secrets and desires, but don't worry she'll take it all to her grave.

This season is all about connecting with the hidden parts that make you who you are. The shadow side aspect is what holds our fears, traumas, triggers, and pain. Even though these parts of ourselves are aspects that remain in the shadows, they are still very much part of what completes us as a whole soul. You'll notice old lessons or experiences that you have not dealt with during Libra Season will now be showing up during this shadow season. Though some challenges and aversity may occur, it still presents a great opportunity to face your fears head on and make besties with your shadow. 

Fire Signs

☠️Deck: Nightmare Before Christmas Tarot Deck

🎴Card: The Emperor 

🔮 Key Vibes: Structure, Practical, Leader, Authority, Father Figure. 

What's going on Fire Signs! You're mood for this week is about having structure. Just because you have structure doesn't mean that you're aren't able to be flow. Having a nice steady foundation can set the tone for the rest of the structure. When we have a plan it's easier for us to take actionable steps towards a practical goal. When we set out to do what we wanted we feel confident, and able to trust ourselves knowing that we can accomplish anything we set out to do. During this Scorpio Season see how you can invite in structure and order into your life. This will help you get organized in your mind, body, and spirit. Having balance and order during this shadow period is going to help smooth out any bumpy surfaces that is on your foundation.

Your card this week is The Emperor this card comes to you when you're being invited to call in authority in your life. Right now it's a perfect time to lay out plans and begin to start taking inspired action and practical approaches to what you want. The Emperor is also a symbol of a father figure, during the shadow phase some past experiences are going to require you to be the "father figure" in your life. Take action, accountability, and responsibility to what type of leader you are or want to be in your life. 


Allow this energy to help you step into the highest version of yourself. There's lots of opportunity that is being presented to you at this time. In order for you to align with the The Emperor's energy is to be practical, confidence, calm and have a plan in place. With a plan and structure anything can happen, take it from "Sandy Claws" how do you think he's able to get all those gifts to everyone in one night? He has always has a plan, structure, and order to seek things get done. You have what it takes to set your plans in motions, take full authority of your life and take charge of you want. 

Water Signs

🎴Card: Five of Potions (Cups)

🔮 Key Vibes: Disappointments, Regret, Failure, Set Backs, Pessimistic

Happy Birthday to all the Scorpios out there! This week your mood is all about acceptance, which can be a perfect gift for yourself if you're having a hard time during these inner transformations and shifts. It can be hard to accept the things we cannot change, especially when it comes to other people. During this season I challenge you water signs to not see your set backs or disappointments as past mistakes. But, instead observe and ask yourself what is this experiencing showing me that is for my highest good? Sometimes detours are actually back roads that lead us to the scenic route. You may have not had discovered it if you were never met with a detour.

This week your card is Five of Potions which represents cups in the traditional tarot. The five of potions come to you when you're in a state of failure and disappointment. Now isn't the time to go hard and beat yourself up. Take these failures as lessons that you can take with you, not every failure is a loss. You gained more when you left than when you first started. Sometimes not getting our way can lead us to feeling regretful and pessimistic. This can lead us to close out on opportunities that may be waiting for us to try again. Don't let your past mistakes get in the way of future success. 

Instead take this time during this shadow period to really reflect on what set backs are causing you to be in the same cycle of disappointment. How can you shift your perspective to gain new insight on what you currently learned from your experience? Rather than feeling remorseful and glum about what can't be changed, lean into ways to move forward. There are many opportunities waiting for you.

Air Signs

🎴Card: The Hanged Man

🔮 Key Vibes: Pause, Unexpected Delays, Surrender, Patience, New Perspective.

Hello Air Signs! How are you guys doing? This week spirit is inviting y'all to slow it down and take a pause this week too. I know the energy of air can be very fast and busy. However during this Scorpio Season it's a good idea to slow it down be in your body and be present. The more you are present the more you're able to work through any unexpected turn of events. You're going through a shift  during this shadow phase. It's going to require you go be patient with yourself and others during this time. Because you'll be experiencing a moment of pause and reflection now is a good time look at things from a wider angle. 

Your card this week is The Hanged Man, this card come to you when you're being given a chance to look at your reality from a higher point of view. You always have options to see things from a different lens. Just because you're being given a choice doesn't mean that's the only choice. Be creative, find ways to connect with your imagination. This will not only present infinite opportunities, it will also provide you the ability to observe the other options that have been brought to you. When you have everything laid out in front of you, you're able to make a confident choice from a much different perspective. 

The Hanged Man reminds you to pause every so often, sometimes when you're too in your head it can be hard to stop for a moment to reflect and refocus your energy on the present moment. What happens when we're too caught in your minds we're often greeted with a massive shift or experience that will bring you to a full stop that will make you stop and smell the roses. Lean into this moment of stillness to take time to appreciate where you are now and all that you have. Even if it may look like a bind you always have room to show gratitude, this will guarantee the universe will give you more choices then the one that was originally presented to you.  

Earth Signs

🎴Card: Seven of Potions (cups)

🔮 Key Vibes: Opportunities, Choices, Wishful Thinking, Illusions, Options, Decisions, Bigger Picture.

Hola Earth Signs! How are we feeling during this shadow season? It would be recommended to slow down as well, since there are many opportunities waiting for you. Want to make sure you make the best choice that aligns with your highest good. This week it's all about really being honest with yourselves and figuring out what it is that you really want to bring out during this Scorpio Season. You'll be presented with many options some that will just only look good on paper, while other options may present as the real deal. Be weary of any misinformation, make sure to have all the facts present before making a final decision. 

This week your card is the Seven of Potions, this card comes to you when you're being greeted with many options to choose from, sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming and cause inner conflict when you're not in harmony with your higher-self. Spirit is inviting you to look at all your options before falling into a get rich quick scheme. Not everything that glitters is gold, make sure you drop into your heart before making any last minute pulls. You'll know which is the better opportunity for the highest good of everyone involved. 

Also the Seven of Potions card also comes with a lighter reminder as well. As there may be many options being presented to you, that doesn't always mean that's the only choice you have. You are a master creator, you can create worlds if you wanted to. You just have to have to believe in yourself that you can create anything you want. If what is currently being manifested in your reality isn't aligned, have spirit show you other opportunities you can choose from. Visualize the life that you want to live, the foods you want to eat, the people you want to meet. All of these factors will attract better options, opportunities, and connections for you to choose from.  

Thank You

If you would like more personalized 1:1 guidance during this month, than check out our Monthly Reading Special: Scorpio Season Insights: Connecting With Your Shadow. This spread is for those who are ready to explore their shadow side to be able to really immerse in the wholeness of The Self.

Even those Pharoscopes are free! Donations, tips and supporting my coffee habits are energy exchange and are always welcomed and appreciated. All links to donate and buy me coffee are linked on the site. 

Until next time Pharosfam! Have a spooky and scary Halloween. Embrace and welcome all parts of your shadow during this shadow period. Take time to pause, reflect, and redirect if you have to. This month is going to be intense but in so many good ways. Be kind to yourself, allow old skeletons to come out from the closet. It's time to face your fears an walk into Scorpio Season like the badass you really are.

With love and light,


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