Pharoscopes: Weekly Insights for the Elemental Signs

Pharoscopes: Weekly Insights for the Elemental Signs

Pharoscopes: Intuitive Insights for the Week of Sept 27 - Oct 4

It's that time's Mercury Retrograde! 

Hey Beautiful Beings! Welcome back to The Pharosmoon Journal Pharoscopes Weekly Elemental Insights: Mercury Retrograde Forecast. It looks like the "dreaded" season of Mercury Retrograde is upon us once again. He's not holding back any punches as he currently takes a ride backwards on his first day of being in this aspect. I've already experienced this energy as I write this post my computer froze, I was no longer able to type, my mouse was spinning, and I was then greeted with my browser closing on me. Of course I didn't think to save my work as I finished the first few paragraphs. So here I am writing a whole new post lol, funny how life works, at first I was a little upset because I didn't save my work, but then I remembered what this retrograde is all about. It's about slowing down, taking your time, pausing, being present, being given an opportunity to catch your breath again. 

Mercury is the planet of communication, mind, thinking, intellect, technology, and transportation. When this planet is in retrograde this energy influences us to pause and reflect, so it slows EVERYTHING down, to really go within to revaluate our Mercurian traits. This is an opportunity for us to take our time to dot our I's and cross our T's. During the next three weeks we're being encouraged to think before we speak, that includes re-reading texts, contracts, posts, and emails. Taking our time to understand to better communicate our needs to others and vice versa. Doing things ahead of schedule, giving ourselves time to get things done. Currently this retrograde is during Libra Season so the themes during this Mercury Rx will be around rethinking and reassessing relationships, (with others or yourself) friendships, career, and life self. We are being brought back our lessons from the last retrograde to see if we have mastered them or being given another opportunity to relearn from our past mistakes. 

Fire Signs

👩🏾‍🎤 Deck: The Modern Witch Tarot

🎴Card: Death

🔮 Key Vibes: Endings, Transition, Transformation, Rebirth, Change, Regeneration. 

How are my fire signs doing? This week our mood is about Rebirth, we're feeling like the phoenix who is slowly rising above the ashes. Before the phoenix is able to transform into a magical being it must first undergo the transformation of putting itself together as it's current form of ash. The transition is not pleasant but it's something that it's necessary for growth and evolution. We are in that phase fire signs, we are in the phase of our rebirthing process; it may look and feel hard, messy, crazy, uncertain, and scary. But, on the other side of that is simple, peaceful, clarity, reassurance, and growth. We have to be patient with ourselves during this time of regeneration. 

This week fire sign's our card is Death, I know it sounds like an alarming card but I assure you that this is a very positive card. It's super aligned with the energy of the week. Death comes to us at at time when there are cycles in our lives that are no longer fitting the script. This can be endings in your relationships, friendships, jobs, or even personal patterns and beliefs. When death appears know that is a positive sign that you have outgrown those people, place, and patterns. Spirit is letting you know that it's okay to let go of all that no longer serves. 

Knowing this can help you feel relief or grief about what is ending in your life. This can assist you with making room in your life for what's new to come. Death is not all negative, it can also hold a positive vibe as well. With death also comes birth, a new slate to start over. The energy of new beginnings are also being supported by Mercury Retrograde this season is a perfect time to look at every aspect of your life and see what areas are decaying away. Honor those parts that are dying, but also celebrate what new possibilities await to be created by this change of transformation and transition. 

Water Signs


🎴Card: Two of Pentacles

🔮 Key Vibes: Priorities, Responsibilities, Flexibility, Balance, Adaptability, Time Management.

What's going on water gang! This week your mood is all about Balance which matches right up with Libra Season. The themes of intimacy, relationships and friendships and community are strong for your signs during these next three weeks during Mercury Retrograde. All while being in loving libra these themes can show up in different areas and aspects in your life. Balance is key to thrive during this transition of inner reflection. This gives you an opportunity to see which cups need more refills while which ups are just overflowing. It's never a bad time to pause, check in and see what is requiring a shift in perspective, a letting go of an attachment, or simply reevaluating your needs to better communicate them to others. During these retrogrades its a timeframe to look at all what's working and not working for you. You're given chances to redirect, refocus and balance out your energies to be able to receive more of what you're asking. 

This week your card is The Two of Pentacles right now during these seasons of relationships, friendships, love, and prosperity. Spirit is asking you to check in with yourself to see which areas in your life are you giving to much and receiving less or that your either taking more and giving less. If you find yourself that the scales are tipping over on one side, then its a good time to take a time out, pause and feel into your soul and ask what does it need? This card is about managing your time, energy, priorities, responsibilities and how adaptable you can be when life doesn't goes as planned. 


This card comes to you when you're being called to balance out the kinks in your life. Right now water signs, your being given a chance during this season to see where in your life do you need to show up more or less in certain parts of your life. How can you find that key balance in your friendships, relationships, careers, and self? Sometimes being too caught up in multiple things at once will only leave you feeling tired burnt out, resentful, and bitter. Take this time to really pause and figure out how you can think of ways of showing up differently in your spaces, so you're not left feeling depleted, but full, whole and balanced. 


Air Signs

🎴Card: Judgement

🔮 Key Vibes: Inner Calling, Surrendering, Absolution, Letting Go, Forgiveness

Greetings Air Signs! This week your mood is Surrender Spirit is asking y'all to let that shit go! Put your hands up in the air and wave them in the air and wave them like you just don't care! This week air signs you're being called to answer your inner calling. During this Mercury Retrograde you'll be invited to reflect on experiences, relationships, friendships that has hurt you in the past or you may have been the one to hurt others. This opportunity is being granted for you to gain forgiveness for yourself and for others. Take advantage of this time to make things right and balance our your karmic ties you'll have lots of support during Libra Season. Remember that making room for growth is always better than staying stagnant with the same familiar energy and space. 

This week your card is Judgement can you forgive yourself as you forgive others, air signs? There is liberation and absolution when you are able to open your heart to those whom may have hurt you or you have hurt. When you answer the inner calling to just simply let go and surrender to Spirit, it's an energy you align yourself with that unconditional love and that allows you to be free. When you're a match to that frequency surrendering and absolution comes so easily. 

Use this time of pause and reflection to review which areas in your life are you willing to surrender to? Will you be able to surrender your ego so you can be guided by your higher self? How can you find peace and wholeness when you choose to let go of what's keeping you from full absolution? You are being fully supported by Spirit who is letting you know it's okay to ask for help during this time. You no longer need to hold on so tightly to what is no longer keeping you from your inner peace. 

Earth Signs

🎴Card: The Hanged One

🔮 Key Vibes: Pausing, New Perspectives, Bigger Picture, Reassess, Reevaluate. 

Hello Earth Signs! This week your mood is all about Perception. Spirit is inviting you to look at the bigger picture this Mercury Retrograde Season. While you're being pushed by the cosmos to take a time to reflect on how we want to be understood and how to understand others. In order for you to get a broader view, you have to willing to be open to new and different perspectives. This can change how you view yourself and the world around you. Perception is what makes up our reality. How you view reality is based on your perception of what life looks like to you. If your current life is out of sorts, now would be a good time to figure out how you balance out these energies so you can shift your POV from victim mindset to creator mindset. 

This week your card is The Hanged One. You're being called to take some time to pause, take a bigger scope of your reality and see if you are able to gain a new outlook or different view of your current situation. Right now with Libra Season on the rise we shift the focus from me to we. When you make room for different insights you are able to put yourself in the other person's shoes. Instead of getting defensive that life may not be going your way. Ask yourself what is the greatest lesson Spirit is trying to teach me? When you are able to change your perception from helpless to hopeful you gain options you didn't even know existed. 

Taking the time to pause to see if there is something different you can choose from is another level of awareness that is gained from an open mind. If you have found yourself being too stubborn and stuck in your ego ways, take this opportunity to look at the perspective from your higher-self. You may find life to be a lot more easier, aligned and in flow when you view things from much higher perspective. When you have access to see the bigger picture you hold can space for compassion, patience, and unconditional love not only for others but for yourself too. 

Thank You

I really hope that these insights provide you all with inner peace, inner guidance, and inner strength to navigate this retrograde with grace and ease. Remember it doesn't have to be a time full of horrors. If this time is used correctly you can make the most out of the retrograde season. 

If you feel that these post have resonated with you and would like more guidance on your personal path. You can book a 1:1 reading on here to dive deeper into your soul's mission.

Even those Pharoscopes are free! Donations, tips and supporting my coffee habits are energy exchange and are always welcomed and appreciated. All links to donate and buy me coffee are linked on the site. 

Until next time soul friends, take your time, don't be afraid to pause, take naps and reflect on what this season is bringing to you this time around. I'll talk to you soon. 

With love and light,



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