Pharoscopes: Weekly Insights for the Elemental Signs

Pharoscopes: Weekly Insights for the Elemental Signs

Pharoscopes: Intuitive Insights for the Week of Sept 06 - Sept 13

Happy New Moon in Virgo! 

Welcome back to The Pharosmoon Journal: Pharoscopes Weekly Insights. This week's energy is about embodying the divine feminine, we all have both qualities of divine masculine and feminine. Virgo season teaches us how to tap into those softer, nurturing, kinder parts of our souls. These energies give us permission to explore those unseen parts of who we are; without the judgements, harsh narratives, and limits that we put on ourselves.

This month is also about finding ways of creating more simplicity and flow to your space; and less of making life complex and complicado!  Are you making space for your divine feminine? Are you creating reality from a place of ebb and flow? Or are you still recreating the same experiences you've already felt?

Take the time during this Virgo Season to really come into yourself. Organize your life, prioritize your needs, lean into trust, express your truths, and be confident in who you! Take hold of your life, you are the CEO of your journey.  


Fire Signs

👩🏾‍🎤 Deck: The Muse Tarot 

🎴Card: Knight of Inspiration

🔮 Key Vibes: Spontaneous, Free Spirit, Taking Risk, Taking Charge, Creative Spark, Action, Enthusiasm, Getting things done. 

Hey there fire signs! You're mood this week is all about inspiration. That spark of inspiration will lead you to a path full of creative flow, spontaneous adventures, and wild imaginations. This week you guys will be fueled up with so much passion, power, and creativity to ignite all your manifestations to life. It's also such a perfect time to ground this energy and simplify our routines, patterns, and ways of being. With so much flare you want balance your energy this season to make sure your wild imagination doesn't burn the house down either. 

This week's card is Knight of Inspiration very much in tuned with the mood that's coming through for the fire squad. Embrace the wild side of your imagination see where it leads you. 

This card is full of fire energy, it's hasty, excited, passionate, and ready to go! This is the vibe this week the Knight of Inspiration is not about wasting time when it comes to creativity. Once that spark comes about the knight is ready to gallop to action. When you tap into that passion of purpose you feel so fueled up with excitement that you're ready to get things done. This time is perfect to match your inspiring ambitions with organized Virgo Season you'll be sure to  take charge, prioritize what's important, while getting all your plans into perspective to take the next actionable steps. Make sure you're balancing out your energies so you're not moving as fast paced so the process of creating doesn't get to wild.  


Water Signs


🎴Card: Ten of Inspiration

🔮 Key Vibes: Heavy Lifting, Burdens, Hard Working, Responsibilities, Doing Too Much, Completion of a journey. 

Hey water signs! I really hope you're taking the time to give yourself some tender loving care this week. Some of you need some you time because I feel some of you guys have been really hard on yourselves lately. This week your mood is to nourish your mind body and soul. Take the time really put yourselves first this week. Fill your up first before tending to others, make sure you're good before extending your help. It may sound selfish but there isn't anything selfish when you're pouring from an empty cup while others are also asking for water. 

This week's card is Ten of Inspiration which is carrying the same theme of the mood for this week for the water gang. Also aligning with the theme of the season of simplicity. 

This card comes as a reminder to prioritize and simplify when life just gets too heavy to carry all at once. You don't have to do everything by yourself, all you have to do is just ask and it is given. The support doesn't always have to be external. It can also be an inside job, take the time to figure out how you can work smarter not harder in your areas of your life. Sometimes we struggle with things that are not even our own in the first place. This can be an opportunity to lighten up your load. The ten of inspiration also reminds you that your journey of heavy burdens and responsibilities are almost over. Find relief knowing that the hardest parts of your journey are past you. *insert sigh of relief here* 


Air Signs

🎴Card: Nine of Inspiration

🔮 Key Vibes: Protection, Defensive, Setting Boundaries, Following Through, Final Push, Last Stand. 

How ya'll doing air signs? This week you're feeling really protective of your energy this week. You're setting new boundaries, reinforcing old ones, and being unapologetic about it too. This Virgo Season you're setting things straight to figure out what you're willing to stand up for and what your ready to give up. Sometimes letting of old beliefs makes room for new boundaries to explore. 

This weeks card is the Nine of Inspiration, this card is rooting you to the final push in your journey. Let the winds of these next rounds take you to the finish line. 

This card's energy is about knowing that you took everything you got to make it thus far. Don't give up yet, all your hard work is going to pay off. Tap into that inner tenacity to stand firm with your boundaries and push through to the final steps. You're on this path for a reason, not many people thread this path but you know it took a certain amount of bravery, patience, and follow through to protect all that you have made. Are you going to let it all be thrown away? Or are you going to make sure that your visions follow through to see your inspiration come to life. 

Earth Signs


🎴Card: Nine of Inspiration

🔮 Key Vibes: Finding New Possibilities, Playfulness, Joy, Serendipity, Synchronicities, Unexpected Magic, Opportunities to Rejoice. 

How are my earth signs doings? This week your mood is full of Possibility as you take the time explore all your surroundings. Looking at life from a whole new lens. You're looking at life from a set of fresh new eyes. The way you're vibing out this week looks like it's going to be filled with so much synchronicities, unexpected magic, and joy. It's like you're feeling like a little kid again, full of love, life and endless possibilities. 

This week your card is Page of Emotions this card is all about living life with full of purpose and love. Everyday can be filled with new opportunities to celebrate you!

With the Page of Emotions this is an invitation from the universe to really take the time to explore your world with a new imagination towards life. You're being given the opportunity to change your inner world so your outside world can reflect that. This is a great time to tap into your child self; reimagine a life from your younger self. What kinds of stories are you telling? Which character are you choosing to play? What colors are you painting your skies? Don't be afraid to go all out with your inner child. Bring those imaginative chapters to life, remember you are the author to your book. Bring those stories to life! 

This was so much fun guys! I really hope these messages bring you guidance, clarity, and reassurance throughout the week. As always take with what allows with your soul and leave the rest.

Even those Pharoscopes are free donations, tips and supporting my coffee habits are energy exchange and are always welcomed and appreciated. All links to donate and buy me coffee are linked on the site. 

Until next time friends happy manifesting! I'll talk to you soon. 

With love and light,


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