Pharoscopes intuitive insight for the element collective energy

Pharoscopes: Weekly Insights for the Elemental Signs

Pharoscopes: Intuitive Insights for the Week of August 23 - 30

Hey Soul Fam!

Thank you so much joining the Pharosmoon Community and welcome to The Pharosmoon Journal and our first ever blog post! I wanted to create a cozy sacred space in the big part of the internet to be myself and invite you all into my vivid world; to share a variety of posts filled with divine inspiration, wellness tips, intuitive energy readings, soul poems and monthly journal prompts and more. This journal is to primarily focused on my own personal insights, thoughts, and personal perspectives; sharing inspiration about mindfulness, spiritual resources, and lifestyle tips and more.  

I created Pharoscopes as part of The Pharosmoon Journal. This segment will be a tarot forecast that will provide insight on the four elements which are Fire, Water, Air, & Earth. Each sign is provided an intuitive message along with a card pull and energy reading of the week ahead. With that being said I always invite you to take with aligns with your soul and leave what you don’t need. With all intentions set let's dive in to see what the stars have aligned for us for this week.


 Fire Signs 

🐲Deck: Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot

🎴Card: Seven of Pentacles 

🔮 Key Vibes: Patience, Perseverance, Long Term Goals, Investments, Sustainable. 

Hola Fire signs! Shout out to all my fellow fire signs who have been really showing off their unique creative qualities during this past Leo Season. Your mood this week is all about being and feeling "confident". Be your authentic self, show off your what makes you stand out from the crowd, be unapologetically you. Some of you may feel something new emerging, from the results of the seeds you have planted these last few months. This energy reminds us to keep the flames on medium while what's cooking in the kitchen isn't quite ready to be served just yet. 

This week's card is The Seven of Pentacles this card is a reminder to pause and reflect; look at where your time and energy are all being planted. Are there any areas in your life that you can adjust to help you achieve your long term goals? Could you use this time of stillness to gain clarity to align you with what you see as sustainable and what's not? Are you able sense what's already growing? This pause is asking us to be patient while we're tending to our garden to await to what blossoms. Things that last take time and will always preserve through rough waters and winds. 

This card is a reminder to look at all you’ve  accomplished so far. We can use this time to admire the work you have created so far. Whilst looking at everything you’ve manifested so far, this card can also brings signs of frustration or impatience to the surface. Be confident and trust in yourself to know that all is well. Patience is a virtue, know that these moments of pause and reflection give you an opportunity to check in your with your progress. No need to rush what’s already yours, allow what's meant to grow to blossom and bloom. 


Water Signs 

🎴Card: The Empress

🔮 Key Vibes: Abundance, Nurturing, Femininity, Birthing New Ideas, Beauty, Nature, Allowing Flow.

Hey water signs, how are y'all doing? Your mood for this week is "being in flow". This week will have you in flow of allowance. Allowing things to come to you vs you going and swimming against the current. Some of you may be feeling more aligned and in flow, feeling as the universe is co-creating with you. Some may be feeling the opposite may be feeling as if your swimming against the current of life, maybe feeling as if you can’t catch a break up riding up stream. Letting go and trusting your process will help you naturally be in flow of what's currently being washed up on your shores. 

This week's card is The Empress this card is very much aligned with the mood of the week. The Empress is all about divine feminine and embodying love, compassion, nurturing, and vibes. When you tap into this energy of The Empress you begin to tap into this space of creativity and birth. This could look like birthing new ideas, projects, perspectives, or relationships. With this energy of being in flow combined with The Empress card, this will help some of you who are already on the path of least resistance to keep floating with the tides. Allow yourself to show up in ways that you can bring more love, compassion, and flexibility to invite in those softer parts of who you are. 

If you're not feeling this energy, then The Empress vibe is inviting you to give yourself permission to let go and be open to receiving. When you tap into your divine feminine you have the opportunity to let go of those limitations that do not serve you. You're able to have full trust and faith in your journey, knowing that you're exactly where you need to be. Use this energy to give yourself some permission to feel into those kinder, loving, and bountiful aspects that is you. The Empress will always remind you of how creative, abundant, nurturing, and powerful you are. Feel into the flow the path of least resistance to allow the universe to co-mingle with you to see what you can give birth to next.


Air Signs 


🎴Card: Ace of Pentacles 

🔮 Key Vibes: Exciting Gifts, Manifestation, Abundance, New Opportunity to Grow Wealth

Hey Air Signs, how are you feeling during this Full Moon in Aquarius? This energy during the full moon is all about expansive, innovative, exploration, and adventure. It's all about thinking outside the box with this full moon. Your mood this week Air signs is "Lucid," which aligns so well with the full moon energy. Being as though air signs are the ones who govern communication, knowledge, and thinking. The feeling of lucidity this week may come to you very effortlessly. You'll have the ability to clearly express your luminous ideas and innovative perspective with those who won't be so quick to pull your head from the clouds.

This week's card is The Ace of Pentaclesthis card comes to you as a token of exciting gifts and new opportunities coming your way. With the full moon in Aquarius this will help amplify any manifestations, ideas, thoughts, and communication into action. With this energy of the Ace of Pentacles, this brings opportunities to create your own wealth in whatever way that means to you. This card brings to you a green light on all that you wish to manifest into your physical world. Keep your eyes open to new outlets to expand your learning to find different avenues to create the life you want. As new opportunities show up in mid air, be open to taking actionable steps to make your daydreams a reality. 

The Ace of Pentacle also symbolizes rewards for our strengths throughout your period of growth and personal development. This card reminds you to find a way a not a way out through any challenges you may face in obtaining financial freedom. This energy signifies abundance is all aspects of your life. Take this as a sign that you have the potential and resources available to you now to live a life of prosperity and abundance. Also, keep in mind that if you're needing help to bring wealth into your life is to simply ask and it is given. 


Earth Signs 


🎴Card: Nine of Wands

🔮 Key Vibes: Resilience, Tenacity, Persistence, Courage, Boundaries, Test of Faith, Self-Preservation.  

Hi Earth Signs, how are you feeling? Your mood this week is to slow down take a pause, relax and go easy with yourself. The reason some of you need to take a minute to ground yourself is because you've been really taken out of your comfort zone. This may knock some of you off your course and can feel that you're out of alignment. Take this opportunity of pause to look at what areas in your life can you be more present with? Have you been feeling burn out, or perhaps feeling that you've been pushed to the limit. If so then this is your time to put your feet up and let your hair down. Don't allow the chaos of the world throw you off your path, give yourself permission to slow down and smell the flowers. 

This week's card is  The Nine of Wands, which is very fitting for this week's mood. The reason you're being invited to slow down is because you have been showing how resilient you are. With standing your ground and holding boundaries it can feel as if your faith is being tested. With success comes hard work, comes persistence and tenacity. Sometimes things come to us easy, while other times we have to stand up for what we feel we deserve. Also fighting for what you want can leave you feeling restless, tired, bruised, and beaten. However, knowing that you have the courage to keep pushing through no matter what builds strength and character. 

With pushing against the grain also come a time to slow down and see how far you have left. Right when we we're about to reach a breakthrough is right when we give up when we're so close to reaching the finish line. This is a gust of inspiration and encouragement to push through whatever obstacle or challenges you face. But, to also allow yourself to rest and slow down when you're being invited to. You need all the strength you can get to make through this last round. Slow down to preserve your energy to help you achieve your goals because you're so close. 


Thank you so much for vibing out with me on my first ever post. I've hope these messages align and resonate with your soul, as always take what you need and leave the rest.

If these post help you in anyway and would like to extend the energy you can always for tips/donations are always appreciate and welcomed. Until next time Pharosfam thank you for being here and I will talk to you soon. 

With Love and Light, 


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