by Bethalize Madรฉ April 01, 2022
Also to help support this portal of infiniteย possibilities the ruler of Aries (Planet Mars) is hanging out in innovative Aquarius. So this means that anything is possible during this time of reinvention, regeneration, and transitioning. In other words it's a perfect time set your intentions, work on clearing out any old beliefs, patterns, or thoughts that no longer serves it's purpose anymore. We're being invited to really dive deep into our desires, what our hearts truly yearn for, what our soul really craves, and what our destines are asking us to step into this new year, new month, and new moon.
Play with the idea of what it can feel like or even look like living out your dreams, your aspirations, your goals coming into fruition. Focusing on what brings us joy and pleasure will bring us closer to our highest timeline. The New Moon in Aries is supporting us with fueling our passions, planting the seeds, setting the intentions to not only invest in ourselves but in our future selves as well. The preparations we are making now is going to set the tone for the remaining months ahead. We are being guided to heal old wounds, become aware of our triggers, be honest with our emotions. The more we become familiar with the shadow parts of ourselves, the more confident, expansive, and excited we'll feel moving out of our comfort zone.
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This New Moon in Aries is ushering in not only healing, shifting, growing, and integrating energies. It's also bringing us more ease, stillness, peace, fluidity, and femineity. Which is the opposite of what Aries energy represent, this New Moon's theme is about balancing the energies of Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. What areas in your life are you allowing, trusting, flowing. Being bold, brave, passionate, and courageous? What other areas are you restricting, being impassive, or impatient with? Spirit is giving you the opportunity to hit restart to refresh the energies that are not aligned with the reality you want to create.ย
The card for this new moon is The Empress. She's supporting us during this renewal of life. We are literally giving birth to new realities, timelines, and new ways of being. We are no longer operating from a place of forceful action, but from a place that requires more support, stability, nourishment, nurturing, and safety. When we feel supported and cared for we feel unstoppable. This is what the energy is bringing us this Aries New Moon. Providing us the support to not only heal, grow, and tap into unlimited potential to create heaven on earth, but we're also being supported and pushed out of comfort zones. The universe giving us a space to move out and expand, letting us know in the process of it all that we are safe, we are cared for, we are protected, and we are guided as we all move through our own individual journeys creating and birthing our own different paths, all while co-existing and co-creating with the universe.ย
If you feel that this post have resonated with you and would like more guidance on your personal path. You can book a 1:1 reading on here to dive deeper into your soul's mission.ย
Also donations, tips and supporting my coffee habits are energy exchange and are always welcomed and appreciated. All links to donate and buy me coffee are linked on the site.ย
Until next time soul fam I hope that you find lots of magical connections, and lots of serendipitous moments
With love and light,ย
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by Bethalize Madรฉ September 01, 2022
by Bethalize Madรฉ August 29, 2022
by Bethalize Madรฉ August 28, 2022